David Spray
A serial entrepreneur by nature and a former CPA and business owner, all of the stars aligned when I entered the tax consulting industry— the previous elements of my diverse background fell into place. By starting Export Advisors, I combine my love for working with other entrepreneurs with my specialization in the IC-DISC incentive program, enabling export business owners to maximize their tax savings. As President of Export Advisors, I look to add measurable value to privately-held, exporting entrepreneurs while providing them with a simplified way to access their maximum tax savings with the IC-DISC. By focusing exclusively on the IC-DISC incentive program, Export Advisors has established programs, processes, and procedures that have collectively saved over $300M for several hundred businesses. Outside of helping export leaders maximize savings, I host Podcasting Stories, talking with business owners about just that, their podcasting stories. From podcasting, I realized the burden that business leaders face trying to produce podcasts, which naturally led me to co-found YourPodcast.team— a full concierge service for business owners to set up, produce, and distribute their podcast, leaving them to share their message. Export Advisors is a Houston, Texas-based consulting firm that partners with privately-held exporters to help them increase their after-tax income by utilizing the IC-DISC program. IC-DISC, or Interest Charge Domestic International Sales Corporation, is an incentive program for exporters, part of the Internal Revenue Code since 1971. If you’re a privately held exporter, reach out to me at dspray@exportadvisors.com to learn if you qualify for the IC-DISC program and how Export Advisors can become Your IC-Disc Partner™.A s
Appears in 1 Episode
Get Niched with IC-DISC
Heidi talks with David Spray about the importance of finding a niche, his work/life balance, what an IC-DISC is, and how it can potentially save your company tons of m...